Around since the 1700s, kettlebells originate from Russia where they were used as a counter-weight in markets. Vendors started swinging and lifting kettlebells to show their strength, and quickly recognised both the health and fitness benefits related to this activity.
Kettlebells are by nature holistic, working several muscles simultaneously. They are ideal for interval training regimes using high-intensity protocols.
Participants in a study conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) in 2010 were asked to complete an interval workout of kettlebell snatches for 20 minutes. They managed to burn, on average, 13.6 calories/minute aerobically and 6.6 calories/minute anaerobically - the equivalent of running a six-minute mile pace. These results were attributed to the total-body nature of a kettlebells workout linked with the intense interval-training format.

Kettlebell training involves simple, functional, total-body exercises.
Correct form is crucial. Remember to keep your back straight, shoulder blades pulled down and back and your core engaged at all times. If you are new to kettlebells, choose a lighter weight and focus on developing correct technique.
Basic exercises include:
1. Deadlift (target: glutes, quads, back)
2. Single-arm swing (target: glutes, quads)
3. Turkish half get-up (target: abs, core, shoulders)
4. Single-arm row (target: back and traps)
5. Snatch (target: hamstrings, quads, back, shoulders)
Series Tabata Strength™ uses kettlebells as an optional challenge. Our exercises continue to alternate between the upper and lower body, ensuring that you reach the appropriate VO2max levels for a proper Tabata workout. We also help build up tendons and ligaments for tougher joints and whole-body strength.

Build strength
Build endurance
Target lower back, legs and shoulders and improve grip strength
Improve mobility, range of motion, agility
Boost cardiovascular endurance